Friday, February 27, 2009

A Call to the President - Lots of Twisted Words

Dear Mr President,
Saying words that sound hopeful and creating hope are two completely different things; and twisting words around themselves is simply another form of lying. Please stop lying to the American people.
You say that you are creating tax breaks for the middle class. Great, but tax breaks are a very different thing than tax cuts. A tax break doesn't reduce government spending, and tends to lead to a larger deficit. You campaigned saying you were a fiscally responsible man, yet your first budget takes the deficit of the last 8 years (around $800 billion, arguably) and more than doubles it (calling for a $1.75 trillion deficit). Then of course, in that same budget, you raise taxes on individuals, to the tone of $636 billion over the next 10 years, and on business $353 billion over the next 10 years. Those tax raises will effect each and every American citizen.
Mr. President, please stop twisting your words to hide your true meaning to the public. You campaigned on hope, and speak constantly of how this economy is "in a dire catastrophe". You campaigned on promises to help people, and plan on raising taxes on the same people. You  campaigned on freedom, yet put more big government in the way of peoples liberty's. Mr. President, I ask you to reconsider.
Kelby Lovelady

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Governments Circle of Taxation

I want to expand a little further on my talk yesterday about government spending and taxes. The government does not work like businesses that we are familiar with in our everyday life. The government does not produce anything. All money that it uses doesn't come from money it makes on it's own merit. Instead, that money has to come from somewhere else... from you and I.

Business Produces Goods & Services --> Creates Revenue --> Funds Itself --> Uses Those Funds to Create More Goods --> Etc...
Government Takes American Money --> Uses it How It Pleases --> Takes More When It Runs Low --> Continues to Spend Our Money --> Etc...
I often wonder what it would be like if instead of government spending, people had a more truthful term for it... something along the lines of spending Americans money. But of course, the government has to keep hiding behinds it's own words.
So in the future, when new government spending is revealed, (as it always will be), remember, that money is not "governments money", it is our money; the people's money. Maybe if we all thought of government in that way, we would all pay a little more attention.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In Response To The President's Address

As I read over the transcript of the President's address, trying to gather my thoughts together, one thing keeps coming to mind; I hope not to sound overly critical here, but I keep coming back to the word hypocritical. Before you turn away, though, let me explain.
Obama says that he understands that government doesn't need to grow, but turns around and signs into law bills designed to do just that. (Am. Economic Recovery of 2009 for the biggest example). He claims that tax cuts are what we need and what he is delivering. But I ask, how is it possible to borrow $787 billion dollars, hand out a little bit here and there, and call it a tax cut? Its like if you or I owed the bank money, so we took out a loan from the bank and paid them with that money. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for us or for a government to do.
A note on taxes though. The end result of all deficit spending in this country will be higher taxes at some point. Obama has already announced his plan to raise taxes on the "rich" and on businesses. That is only the beginning. We will all be forced to pay at some point. Government spending will always mean taxes to pay for it. Need another example? Expanded SCHIP, (State Children's Health Insurance Program; read government controlled health care), was signed into law recently. To pay for it? Raise federal cigarette taxes, more than doubling the current level. 
You see, government has its hands in so many places, they can tax here and there, little by little, slowly raising the tax burden without many people noticing. Please stay aware of what is happening out there, and most importantly, talk about it. There is nothing that Americans, with God's grace, will not be able to accomplish; even getting ourselves to a better economy without the government's help.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things Not To Do As President

If you have been paying attention to what's happening in this country, you'll know this has been a very busy month in the new administration. Also, it has been a very busy month on the stock market; and there is a link between the two.
First, the big spending. Every time an announcement was made regarding "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", ($787 billion in big government spending), the stock market tumbled. Investors saw it coming and weren't happy with what they saw. Then, of course, with the Democratic majority in line, the bill passed and was signed into law; and another day of huge sell-offs on wall street. Of course, President Obama should have been there to encourage and help everyone stay positive, right? Of course. But no. He instead chose to sing doom and gloom to the country, continuously talking about how we are in the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression; and stocks continued to fall.
Now comes a time when Obama could show true leadership and let the business people of this country know he's on their side and willing to help them out. But he's done the wrong thing again. The new budget plan being proposed by the administration raises taxes on the "rich", (those who own businesses and produce goods to strengthen the economy), and on businesses, (the entities producing).
Seems to me like he has a way of doing things just wrong. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Basics of Our Government

As this is my first posting, let me start off talking about what I believe in. 
I believe that this country is the greatest country on earth. I also believe that the basis for this country's greatness lies in it's founding; in the mandates of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Without all of these in place, the country will begin to fall away from greatness and become a country just like any other. 
I believe that the pursuit of happiness is the key phrase to pay attention to. In this country we have the right to chase after our happiness for as long as we live, with as much effort as we can muster. However, we must always remember that it is our own, personal right, not the right granted to our government. Our government cannot and will never guide us to happiness. Our national government was established to protect our country from attack and to keep our country strong stable. That's it. All the rest is up to us, our local governments, and the free will and entrepreneurial spirit in us all. As time goes on, I'm sure I will expand on these thoughts more.
I believe that life and liberty are given to us by God above and therefore cannot and should not be tampered with by government control in our lives. The more government is involved directly in the everyday aspects of our lives, the less liberty we have; the less freedom we have. These freedoms we all take for granted everyday are being taken away from us slowly but surely and we must do what we can to protect them.
I do not write as a radical, looking for sweeping change; but rather as a concerned citizen who has seen enough going on in the political world for me to break my silence. I hope that you as a reader find my postings insightful and maybe eye opening. Thank you for reading, and as always, I will do my best to respond to all serious comments posted.