Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A President Crossing the Line - The GM/Wagoner Saga
Obama has fired Rick Wagoner, former Chairman and CEO of General Motors. The mainstream news media brushes by the fact, because they know how this looks to people who pay attention. For instance, on the CNN story, they briefly say that Obama 'asked' Wagoner to step down, followed by a long discussion on the size of his retirement package. NBC news let the cat out of the bag, saying that Obama put the ultimatum on the table of "fire him if you want bailout money". They then, of course, went on to talk of how this is 'Obama working hard for the American people' to ensure their not going to lose "America's car company."
Of course, this whole thing is a mess. Obama threw himself into the fray and it's a complete mess now (Deja Vu). Let me offer my spin.
Let GM go under, by itself, no taxpayer money getting dumped into it. Let them then, if they so desire, file Chapter 11 bankruptcy and restructure the company. This would give them time to figure out what went wrong, (unions, poor product, price control, for a few examples), and start over, costing you and I, the taxpayers, nothing. This is called Capitalism. It ensures the right to fail and start over. It is what I would have to do in the circumstances, what any small business would have to do, and what any freedom loving American should do. Take your burden on your own shoulders.
Enter, then, Bush and Obama's auto bailouts. Taxpayer money thrown into a failing business. A President pressuring a CEO of a private company out. This is a road leading straight to Socialism. And, let me say this, even though it's no secret; SOCIALISM DOESN'T WORK!! (ie. Russia, Venezuela, many Caribbean islands, most of Central America, Britain, Canada, etc... Countries that are not doing well because of their government getting in the way of the peoples freedoms; the freedom to be the best that they can be, to succeed, to fail and get back up again, to start fresh and new, to live their life the way they see as best.)
I guess this is the start of the long, slippery slope to Socialism America voted for. Congratulations everyone. You've created a monster. God help America.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday Link - Rick Santelli Setting The Mood
Rick Santelli Rant
One more quick note - Obama has announced that the term "global war on terror" is no longer what he wants to use. He prefers "overseas contingency operation". Well, Mr. Obama, you can change what its called if you like, but I ask that you not forget that it's really about protecting the country. Of course, I'm saying this to a President who is already cutting our defense budget, so I guess I'm just blowing wind here. This is just another example of Obama diverting the attention of the Americans who are too apathetic to pay attention, creating a 'feel good' environment for everyone. Remember, though, that changing the name won't change what's happening; and cutting defense puts us all at risk.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
An Update, A Revolution Beginning, and A Frightening Revelation
I am encouraged, however, by a movement sweeping across the Internet that is starting to take roots in actual events. Ever since the beginning of the Obama administration, one has been able to find many people, like myself, rambling on about the wrongs of government, the overspending liberals, etc. There have been videos, such as this one here, (Thomas Paine video), that have been made to try to spur on some action. That action has finally arrived in the form of modern day 'tea parties'. I encourage each and every person who feels like they are not represented by their government, who is scared of what all this spending and massive deficit means, to go to the Tea Party Website and find a rally near them. April 15th can be a great day for this country if we all get behind it and make the government listen to the people.
One final note on the rather scary direction this country is going in. In Texas, there is a law being proposed that would allow for mothers to kill their babies. This is not abortion, though that is also murderous and terrible, (and supported by the administration, which even wants to lift partial birth abortion bans). The Texas law would punish a mother who killed their baby, (defined as any child up to one year old), with a maximum penalty of two years in prison. Class A felonies for premeditated murder carry a maximum penalty of 99 years, but because this is a baby, this law would cut the time to two years. It's reason? The bill lays out the terms as "postpartum issues". Understand that Texas, along with a few other states, has a lot of sway as to what laws get passed across the country. It is one of the lead states that others look to. These are scary times indeed. Please, I ask each and every person, to get involved, get aware of what's happening to this country, and get out there to make a difference.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday Link - A Poem plus A Note on Past Events
For this week's link, I would like to direct your attention to a poem by Rudyard Kipling, written in 1919. It may seem like long ago, but this poem sounds as if it could have been written yesterday. Enjoy.
The Gods of the Copybook Headings - Rudyard Kipling
Also, just a quick note on the tone being given by the Obama administration, and the short-sightedness of Americans. If we look back just two weeks ago, Obama was running around talking about "the worst economy since the great depression", and yet is now talking like we are on our way back to boom times. He was also talking about the "long, hard fight for Afghanistan", yet now is holding his tongue on the whole thing. So, as Americans hear this shift in talking points from doom and gloom to happy go lucky, how do they react? Well, most everyone is buying every word. Please, let's not forget our past. Let's all hold onto what we learn each day as a guide post to the future. If we can't remember two weeks ago, how can we ever learn from past mistakes and move forward? As American citizens, we should all hold together and demand accountability for what is said by the President, not submit to every turn of the hat.
Monday, March 16, 2009
HR 1388 - The GIVE Act
HR 1388 - the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act.
What is it really? Well, first off, it is a bill, which if passed through the house and senate would become law. Remember the word law here. This act is meant to force volunteerism (a complete oxymoron, by the way) on Americans, starting when they are in elementary school, through college, and all throughout life - forced volunteerism on every level. A grand total of time spent by every American doing "volunteer" work would be around 3 years of their life.
I don't know how you feel, but I do not want the government telling me what to do with 3 years of my life. I don't want the government deciding what my life is like at all. I pay my taxes (something that many of those in government apparently fail to do), I follow the law, and I am involved in the political conversation of this country. That used to be more than enough. Now, they want more.
The 13th amendment of the United States Constitution, which of course is supposed to guide the governments decisions, states that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime... shall exist within the United States." (emphasis mine) And yet, here we are, with a bill in the House of Representatives that would accomplish just that.
I really don't know exactly how to express how wrong this is. I can understand, at least, when this administration puts forth huge spending bills as a way to fix the economy. I strongly disagree, but I at least understand the theories behind it. But this bill, I don't understand at all. How can this country, the greatest on Earth, the land of the free, home of liberty, come to this point where this is even being considered.
This bill, will of course, come with strings attached. They won't call it a forced volunteerism. That doesn't sound good to people's ears. They will say that there are tax breaks for volunteerism. They will say they are "promoting" a volunteer spirit in America. All of this is just political doublespeak. I urge you to read the text of the bill here and understand what is happening. And, as always, be involved in the discussion for the future of this country; be an informed citizen.
Post Script: Here is and example of what's buried in this bill, just to spark your interest more [emphasis mine].
From the Misc. section, #6104: (6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Comment Response - Personal Responsiblity and Wealth - American Citizenry
In response to the rather large comment left below the Milton Friedman link; it's a bit too large to quote directly, but I want to give a few general thoughts about what I have read.
First off, let me say thank-you to whomever you are. You are the standard for what a concerned citizen of this country should be; active and vocal, looking to make a difference. I applaud your efforts. I would, however, like to make some points for you to consider. Feel free to contact me either through this page or by my email; kelbylovelady@gmail.com.
First off, I want to remind you directly that wealthy does not in and of itself equal evil. Wealth is a product of hard work. (Of course, there will be exceptions at every level, but I'm speaking generally now.) These people spend every waking moment working, or attempting to figure out what to do with the wealth they've acquired. It's not easy to see from a middle class perspective, but wealth creates it's own monster. Having millions, or billions, of dollars creates wealth by itself (interest); not to mention that the mechanics of that money making are probably still continuing to make money as well. Being wealthy is having a constant burden. The Reverend Frederick Gates said it best to John D. Rockefeller Sr. when he said, "Mr. Rockefeller, your fortune is rolling up like an avalanche! You must distribute it faster than it grows! If you do not, it will crush you and your children and your children's children!" Just think of that immense burden.
Secondly, greed is not inherint in all wealth. Greed is in a corrupt soul, not following in the steps of God's will. Greed is the taking over of the spirit by human corruption. If the people of this world were to follow their moral calling to perfection, we would never have issue. But, then again, we live in a broken, fallen world, corrupted by the sin we all live in every day. Wealth may breed greed, but wealth is not the creator of greed. Sin is the creator of greed. The 1% club, as you so aptly call them, are constantly burdened by there wealth, and yes, many are burdened by there greed as well. That is where my next point comes in.
I am very pleased with how you talked on personal responsibility, (though you never called it that, you went on at length about it in the second paragraph). This is the key to freedom and liberty, not just for the rich, but for all citizens of the country and the world. If people don't like something, don't partake in it; simple as that. If people have a problem with clothes that cost $100 dollars, don't buy them. The company making the clothes will have to change or fail. And that, my friend, is the whole of capitalism. If people remember their personal responsibility, they would have never signed a contract for a home loan that has payments doubling in 5 years. That's utterly ridiculous. Do they honestly believe they would make twice as much as they did when they signed the loan 5 years down the road? NO. They were looking for a government handout, which is what this administration is doing. They are giving out exactly what the irresponsible people of this country wanted. A handout. An easy way through. This is rewarding irresponsiblity. If every single American were to carefully consider purchases, this country could straighten itself out very quickly. But people don't want to think. They want the handouts this administration has promised. This is the greed in the middle class. This is greed of the impoverished. Don't work your way out, stand in line for a handout. Scary to think of how this type of thought pattern will progress in this country.
So once again, thank you for your comment and inspiring me to write this post. Lets all, each one of us, keep talking about the situation in this country, keep working for ways back to freedom, responsibility, and liberty, and take hold of ourselves through personal responsibility, so we may experience what liberty is like in this world.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday Video Link - Milton Friedman on Greed and Capitalism
I wanted to insert a link to this video of Milton Friedman talking about capitalism. I couldn't ever say what he says in such a great way. This is conservatism at it's best. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Monday, March 9, 2009
A (Very) Brief History of Big Government
I hope not to be to much of a preacher here, but this is, however, a failed system, as history has shown. FDR didn't pull us out of the depression with big government, even though this is how many public schools teach it to be. No, his 'New Deal' economics only put a band-aid solution to a big problem, and when the spending pulled back, as all spending must at some point, the bottom fell out. It was WWII that pushed this economy out of depression. Then came Lyndon B. Johnson's 'Great Society'. This was mostly New Deal part II, and thought of by Kennedy anyway. Shortly after spending was cut back, which it always has to be, economic problems surfaced again.
This is where history is getting to be repeating. Jimmy Carter came into office with the mantle of 'Change'. Sound familiar? His administration drove unemployment to astronomical heights (upwards of 20%, though the exact number escapes me), and created huge inflation with spending. What stopped Carter's dreaded stagflation (stagnant economy, high unemployment and high inflation)? Conservatism.
Supply-side economics pushed by Reagan changed the country. Cut capital gains taxes down so that businesses have the means to expand. This brings more jobs to the economy. Cut taxes across the board for poor and rich alike, so that people have money to spend to live their lives how they want to. Keep government out of the way of people's freedoms! This economic time brought the largest peace-time expansion of the economy this country has ever seen; and it all came through controlling government's size and spending -- not expanding government size and spending.
So here we are today, with a President trying the failed systems of the past, all under the guise of change. Is this really change we can believe in? I see it as lessons we should have learned years ago.