Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Fond Farewell and Hopeful Future

I would like to take this time to issue my fond farewell from the blogging world. I wish first of all to thank all of you who took the time and energy to make this project a success. I believe it has been a valuable debate in the short time it has existed. I feel, however, that the time requirements made in maintaining this blog as well as my need to further my personal studies must draw this to a close for now. I do this with a heavy heart, but also a hopeful future.
I have found hope that the democracy of America is still alive and well, living in this online world, finding it's spirit satisfied. I would urge everyone to continue to be involved in online discussions and debate, as debate is what, in the end shapes, the policies of the future.
To my frequent readers, posters and all others who have stumbled across this page randomly, I wish to offer my deepest gratitude and thanks. All the talks we have had and time we have spent here has not been in vain, as evidenced by what is seen in the archives and the topics brought to light. Let us all keep the debate alive and keep this country strong in its citizenry; the true backbone holding it all together.
Once again, thank you all, and if there is anything further you wish to talk with me about, feel free to email me at

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