Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things Not To Do As President

If you have been paying attention to what's happening in this country, you'll know this has been a very busy month in the new administration. Also, it has been a very busy month on the stock market; and there is a link between the two.
First, the big spending. Every time an announcement was made regarding "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", ($787 billion in big government spending), the stock market tumbled. Investors saw it coming and weren't happy with what they saw. Then, of course, with the Democratic majority in line, the bill passed and was signed into law; and another day of huge sell-offs on wall street. Of course, President Obama should have been there to encourage and help everyone stay positive, right? Of course. But no. He instead chose to sing doom and gloom to the country, continuously talking about how we are in the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression; and stocks continued to fall.
Now comes a time when Obama could show true leadership and let the business people of this country know he's on their side and willing to help them out. But he's done the wrong thing again. The new budget plan being proposed by the administration raises taxes on the "rich", (those who own businesses and produce goods to strengthen the economy), and on businesses, (the entities producing).
Seems to me like he has a way of doing things just wrong. 

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