Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama's Silence Speaking Volumes - An Ideologue in Action

I have a question for the President. Why the silence?
The Somali pirates have captured a US merchant ship. In an effort to free his crew, the captain gives himself to the pirates as hostage. Now, he is being held in the middle of the ocean on a small boat, which is out of fuel, as a hostage while the US Navy is staring them down. A mid-ocean standoff of sorts, with more warships on the way and negotiators from both sides working for an answer to the problem. Just this morning, the heroic captain made an escape attempt, trying to swim away, but was captured again by the pirates. Sounds like a new TV show on Fox, (maybe an episode of 24), but this is really happening, creating headlines all over the country. A well publicized story, full of suspense, involving a US citizen being held captive. You would think this would be something the President would want to comment on, right?
Well, you wouldn't be thinking of Obama. He was asked during a press conference to comment on the situation, and responded by saying "Guys, we're talking about housing right now." He then ushered the reporters out of the room.
Reality check time. First of all, the "pirates", as everyone likes to call them, are not pirates, not just mere criminals. They are terrorists. They are using terrorism to try to get money and power. They may be using piracy to do it, but they are terrorists. However, as I noted before, in my March 25th post, the administration doesn't like to use the word terrorist anymore. So, we call them pirates.
Second of all, this administration is so concerned with controlling the focus of the public that this distraction can't be talked about. In a look back at the time he has been President, he has constantly stayed on target with 'getting the big things done'. His rhetoric is always the same. His teleprompter always reads the same lines. He has become an ideologue; a walking mouthpiece for the liberals of this country. And now, we have a situation with a US citizen, held hostage by a terrorist organization in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by US warships, and he can't even go off message for a moment to say anything about it.
This country may have voted for a President, but they got an ideologue; a vision of liberalism in America that is so focused and determined to accomplish it's goals, it can't break course for a moment. This President is buried in the rhetoric and visions he has and unable to move away from it. Many would say that is a good thing, that he is focused on what he has to accomplish. I say he isn't being a leader. He isn't being involved with what's happening; he's only involved with what's on his mind (or teleprompter) at the moment.
I really do wish the best for this country. Looking at this administration's actions over the past few months, however, has made me quite afraid of the direction we are going in. I ask us all to be aware of what's happening in this country, be prepared to talk about, and be ready to defend your views. Our country is changing, so lets be ready for what lies ahead.
And, of course, in the next few days, watch for Obama to be told what to say about the Somali terrorists. He can't stay silent on it forever. People want him to say something.


  1. And if he had taken too much time away from his housing conference, you'd have said he "easily distracted" or "unfocused". Guessing being a Liberal makes you incapable of being right...

  2. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your willingness to discuss what's happening in this country.
    The problem here is that he disregarded the question about something that we are all involved with, the terrosist's holding of a US citizen. He shoved it off because it wasn't on the immediate agenda. If he would have said one line, such as "We are all concerned about what is happening to this man and are doing what we can to ensure his safety", that's all it would have taken. Show some involvement in what's happening.
    Also, Obama is Liberal, but that does not make him uncapable of being right. What I have said here is no different than how the media or the public had treated Bush for 8 years. I'm just doing my part to ensure an even playing field.
    One more point and I will hold my silence. While Obama was in the Illinois house, and in the Senate, he voted "present", (unable to make a decision), more times than anyone else on record. What we are currently seeing is a continuation of that trend. He essentially is voting "present" right now. Do we want a President who can't make a statement without his teams of people first deciding the "right statement"? I know I don't. You may say that it's him working "as a team", but I see it as someone who is not a firm leader as he campaigned himself to be.

  3. Keep writing Kelby, this is great stuff. I find it very humorous that your anonymous writers never seem to reply to your questions and statements.

  4. Thank you, J.C. Klemencic. I appreciate your support and encouragement. It helps to know that someone out there is supporting what I'm doing here. Keep reading and spread the word so that we all may be informed about what's happening in this country.
